Business & Life Coaching Package


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You’re a spiritual business owner who believes in yourself and your gifts.

You’re ready to create change so that you’re thriving not just surviving.

You’re ready to be the best version of yourself and release all of the limits which have been holding you back.

You’re ready to discover your highest potential and take the next step.

Well, you’re definitely in the right place!

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Hi there!

I’m Michelle Simmonds, a transformational coach for female entrepreneurs who’re ready to add an extra zero to their bottom line and live their dream life.

When you work with me you learn how to tap into your intuition and understand the guidance of your power within.


Imagine being the best version of you. The version of yourself who creates soul fulfilling success and impact.

I can help you create abundance in all areas of your life from a soul aligned place.

You’ll learn how to develop and strengthen your own intuitive gifts and build a business that changes the lives of those around you by having the confidence to follow your own guidance all whilst being true to yourself.

No more procrastination or doubting yourself. Rediscover the ease and grace that the business is meant to be.



I am delighted to offer you a

Business and Life Coaching package

This 3-month coaching package includes:

1 x initial start up session x 75 minutes

5 x bi-weekly, 60 minute calls which include intuitive guidance and
energy alignment sessions

1 x 30 minute wrap up session at the end to reflect on our work together,
celebrate and create a plan for the future.

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 You will also receive:

  • Personalised visualisation recording for you to use as often as you like.

  • Email and WhatsApp support between our calls

  • Personalised Affirmations to help you create your wildly successful business, faster.

  • All call recordings are sent to you.

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What to expect

During our 3 months together you will receive clarity on your next steps and I will guide you to create your own action plan to help you get unstuck and create your wildly successful business.

You will have clear action steps and deadlines to keep you accountable and on-track to reach your goals

I will support you through your next growth phase by giving you access to divine, innovative and inspiring guidance.

Save yourself from procrastination, exhaustion, frustration and angst! Let me guide your next steps so that you can grow yourself and your business under grace and with ease and flow.

I can’t wait to get started with YOU!


This offer is for you if …

You are ready to live the best version of your life and release
all of the fears which are stopping you from reaching your
highest potential.

You know you have a higher purpose for being on this planet
and your gifts are needed here, right now.

It is my heart’s desire to see you live out your dreams!
You really can have it all, it just takes time, energy and planning.

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