The only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves.

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I truly believe that the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves.

That’s what my work is all about. That, and guiding brilliant women to a place of unwavering strength in their business and life. So if you’re feeling that you’re still not where you want to be and unsure how to get there, I’m here to help.

You don’t have to navigate the twists and turns of entrepreneurship alone.


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I’m Michelle Simmonds.

My job is to empower women like you to become confident leaders and to take the next big leap in your business. I would love to help you achieve your business and financial goals with much more ease so that you can experience big business shifts, and watch your dreams carefully unfold.

It’s not about being smarter or working harder… it’s really not! It’s about your mindset, intention, and energy.

And I can help you shift past your stories and limiting beliefs so damn fast!
I have worked with many incredibly successful women entrepreneurs to help them grow their amazing businesses and I’ve seen the truth: all entrepreneurs have times of self doubt, overwhelm and frustration. The thing that sets the most successful ones apart is simply that they don’t let it stop them.

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Using many powerful tools (including EFT/Tapping), together we can make the shifts necessary to create real growth and transformation in your yourself and your business. I’ve developed and practiced my intuitive gifts for over 25 years and I am blessed to be able to use this information to help women embrace their souls calling and step up and be who they want and need to be.

I wouldn’t have the life I’ve built if it wasn’t for EFT.

My own transformation began whole-heartedly when I first combined divine guidance with energy healing and EFT.  I recognised and healed those parts of myself that stood between me and where I wanted to be in this life.

I’ve used this life changing combination of tools to create my ideal world where I can balance my work and home life (usually!!!) and create the peace that I wanted in my life — from gratefully landing my ocean-view dream home to securing the exact education I wanted for my boys. I haven’t had to work harder but to

learn how to align with what it is that I truly want

I have been privileged to witness similar big changes in the lives of the amazing women that I am blessed to work with.


And now I’m inviting you to create what feels right in your own life, aligning your goals with your soul’s desires.

You can have it. Whatever it is… you just need to do the inner work.

I envision a world where women wake up happy, living up to their full potential and doing their important work with a sense of balance and ease.

That means that a whole lot of us need to start believing in ourselves more and getting out of our own way! It also means overcoming the irrational fear of asking for too much. Ask for it! If your heart desires it, the Universe wants you to have it.

I am truly passionate about the work I do, and it would be an honour to help YOU take that next big leap with my unique combination of intuitive gifts and energy healing tools at your side.

Set up a session with me now and we can start moving your business forward again together.

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to create a wildly successful business



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